
Showing posts from February, 2022

reading 03

  this weeks reading task was a little easier to get into and understand because the video was well structured and very easy to follow and understand what is been taught in the video. the video was about Annotate Bibliography and this was the first time i have ever learned about this and it was good to find out the main meaning of the work and it meant books filled with notes or important information. another key information that was giving is that a Annotate Bibliography must have three things  Citation, Summary and Annotation. lasting i think something that will greatly help me in m own work is the pre reading and post reading and think this will bring a whole new in sight to work i will be doing a in the semester and how i can help me have better structure in my work. image link :  Annotate Bibliography - Bing images


  his week when i was about to start it, it was confusing for me and i did not understand it at my first glance when looking but after looking at other works and seeing how they went forward in getting this work done i am starting to have some small ideas on what i am doing in the most littlest way possible. after looking at all the information that were put up for us to look a i am really struggling really bad and i do not what to do to go forward with my work but i feel like watching the video there are now many thing's could now use in carry the work forward like looking at articles, books, information about the topic i will be researching about. this week has just messed my head up so much even when i looked a the matrix chart i was just more confused because i did not understand a singe thing that was put on it but i hope has i carry on with my work i do not fall behind in work and get even more confused image link  planning stress - Bing images