Feedback Strategies


first after  glancing that i choose through the first "How to give bad feedback without sounding like a jerk" the first that i could see was how to give feedback without only focusing on the one or the order positive or negative. the way i will handle this is by giving the positive first of the feed back and saying where everything they did went well and after the last thing i would do is letting them know the negative thing they did by breaking it down and helping them understand how they could maker it better. i think this approach is better because you just be dumping them with negative feedback.

"I’m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them.” this is a way you could make someone want to work harder for you

The Difference Between Praise and Feedback

  i think there are now many people that can not handle feedback anymore if it is only highlighting the negative side of what they have done so it is now a normal thing for them to be praising them in anything they do and in that being said i feel like it is not good praising people 24/7  and that could not make them wanting to reach for more and work harder.


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