Unity Tutorial 03:


after trying my best with this it was very difficult because i would be following the video that was given to following after i follow each step and i try do what needs to be done into my own script for no reason it would not be working and it does not highlight where the issue is coming from for ir not to be working so after looking through it will be saying the same thing and that is what was stressing me the most in trying to get this work done another thing is that i don't know if it is my own computer but when i try playing the game by moving the player it would work one time and then once i try move again it would stop working and also when i try pressing the space for the food to come out with loads it pops up saying it is work but not in the game for some reason.

It just frustrate me that I follow everything in the video but still turns out for it all not to be working. Going forward I just need more help to understand why a certain thing in my project is not working because right now I am still so clueless.


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