Games Decisions


this first  reading for this week (week 7) the thing that we are thought this week seems t be the most important part of the game and it is flow in game design and this something that i have been really looking forward in learning about. the meaning of flow in game design is a psychological that can be adapt into a game to make it more challenging and fun for the player.

the easy was for you to understand this is by giving the breakdown 

present player with a challenge--> player achieves a flow state ----> Maintain in flow state

flow state is also described as being in the zone and it is when playing a game and losing track of time.

the way in getting a player into a flow state and is giving them a challenge and knowing their skill level so you know what level that you should set them up with.

also when a player first starts playing a game the thing it is good to have a graph for skill and challenge this is called the flow graph.

Also the finale thing in keeping is keeping the player in a flow channel and not making it too easy which will cause the player to go into boredom and the other thing is that having a state where it is not too challenging that it will send the player into anxiety that will cause they to stop playing the game. 


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