Unity Tutorial 01


This is My first experience in using unity, at first I was very scared to use it because of how difficult the it looked trying to get this done. So, once I actually tried and sit down to get this done I watched the video and after watching the video it was easily explained and I became more comfortable ad easy minded after getting the work done. The first thing we did was the unity 1.1 this was easily explained, and I done everything and did not have any trouble trying to get any of these ones done.

The next one was then the unity 1.2 and this was me trying to allow my car to move forward and once I applied all the code to my vehicle I was so glad it was working and that kind of gave me a confident boost using unity more and more.

The last one of this was then 1.3 and this was  just working with the camera and placing in the right angle for the high speed game and this always thought me in this something that I will need in future project and that is having my own lay out in unity that I am comfortable in working in.

image link:  https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.8dwwYWv_um7wi1Dbuz1x5QHaEK?pid=ImgDet&rs=1


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