Unity Tutorial 04


The unity 2.4 is one of the most difficult things that I have ever had to do, and it caused me so much stressed with all the coding and there was so many things that went wrong but when an error comes up I still don’t know why the code I did was wrong but then I had to go back and check everything one by one and then checking which things are spaced out properly.


Now we move onto unity 3 (Sounds and effect) this was interesting in learning about and just like before I am still struggling, and I am not going to stop trying my best even though it is very tough I really interested in learning everything so I can make my game the best I could, so I don’t fall behind in doing all the work. The new thing that that we laid out is Player jumps on spacebar press Player cannot double-jump    Obstacles and Background move left   Obstacles spawn on intervals

In conclusion I can’t wait till learn more and understand everything in layig out function for my game and seeing how all of it will work well with each other I am hoping it is not too tough but If it is I am ready for anything

image link :https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/lesson-3-1-jump-force?uv=2020.3&courseId=5cf96c41edbc2a2ca6e8810f&projectId=5cf9639bedbc2a2b1fe1e848


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