Week 9 Reading and Writing


Looking back at all the reading that we have done overall there are many information that I have gathered from all the reading and there are many things that I have gotten from it that I think made me understand the development of games and the amount of work that actually going into designing a video game. 

The one reading that I think made me get more interested in the information that is being provided was the video and reading that was on Game fun I loved it because of how much helpful information that could help me in trying to make my own game very interesting and fun to play. I have read many notes and it as helped me so much in trying to consider to what to I would like to get into my game to make my game sort of stand out and make it fun to play by the players but also looking back there are many things that I wish that I could try put in my game from the reading but the experience I have with developing and designing a game is not very strong. Before I was happy or unsure about my project because it was not at the level that I wanted it to be and I was so unhappy and stress in trying to get it done as quick as I could.


image link: https://noobpreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/game-designer.jpg

 This image is the one out of all the image that I have placed on my blog was because this image  is just a symbol of how I have basically been all semester because of how locked In with all the work I have I have tried doing with this module and having trying to develop my game and all the things around It are basically what I have had to work with besides the camera in the hand that is all I have had to try 

keep me working.

I think look forward I need to try my best in taking advantage of all the extra reading that are placed in the post and I will look through them properly instead of just glancing through most of them and I will try look through it to get more information on the topic that is being though to use during that week and that might make me understand a lot more things to do with the website


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