
Showing posts from October, 2021

Unity Tutorial 03:

  after trying my best with this it was very difficult because i would be following the video that was given to following after i follow each step and i try do what needs to be done into my own script for no reason it would not be working and it does not highlight where the issue is coming from for ir not to be working so after looking through it will be saying the same thing and that is what was stressing me the most in trying to get this work done another thing is that i don't know if it is my own computer but when i try playing the game by moving the player it would work one time and then once i try move again it would stop working and also when i try pressing the space for the food to come out with loads it pops up saying it is work but not in the game for some reason. It just frustrate me that I follow everything in the video but still turns out for it all not to be working. Going forward I just need more help to understand why a certain thing in my project is not working b...

reading week 05

  This week we started the reading about MDA  (standing for Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics), before this reading I will be completely honest I have never hear it before but once I started reading through it at first I was not interested at first but as I kept going down in the reading I started t understand more and became more in interested in everything it was about. there are many element that designers place in games to make the game stand out and make it more fun: 1. Sensation Game as sense-pleasure 2. Fantasy Game as make-believe  3. Narrative Game as drama 4. Challenge Game as obstacle course  5. Fellowship Game as social framework 6. Discovery Game as uncharted territory  7. Expression Game as self-discovery 8. Submission Game as pastime these are a few things that are inside a game to make the player enjoy the experience more there  many games built around this but it is not a...

Unity Tutorial 02

    The finale thing in unity 1.4 is now finalising the game that we have been trying to create and i am glad i was able to finish this game even though that there was many problems when i first started trying to create this game but i am glad i was able to see it through after all the challenge that was in the coding. the thing i did not think would be a problem was that every little thing in that you would not think could affect the game, but the thing is that everything that you place in your script is correct or it won't be accepted  besides that I have had no problem in working with the game. I think it was so useful in making me understand everything about the creating a game and it made me confident in designing my own game and I am happy that I was able to carry this out. In this finale step in the high speed game was place the finale controls needed like the ones that will be used by the player to control the car. There are many skills that I learned t...

Feedback Strategies

  first after  glancing that i choose through the first "How to give bad feedback without sounding like a jerk" the first that i could see was how to give feedback without only focusing on the one or the order positive or negative. the way i will handle this is by giving the positive first of the feed back and saying where everything they did went well and after the last thing i would do is letting them know the negative thing they did by breaking it down and helping them understand how they could maker it better. i think this approach is better because you just be dumping them with negative feedback. "I’m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them.” this is a way you could make someone want to work harder for you The Difference Between Praise and Feedback   i think there are now many people that can not handle feedback anymore if it is only highlighting the negative side of what they have done so it is now a no...

Project, Week 4

  The first game idea I would like to try to execute is about a superhero or a street thug I have not really decided yet what my main charter is really going to be for this because I really want it to be something that is outside the box of ideas. S o the game is going to be about a the main character running or flying and the main thing about this game is about dodging any object that is blocking the way of the main character. I know these are games that already out there but I really loved games that are very similar in that way. I have always enjoyed playing them and I would sit around playing it all the time because it all about trying my best to overcome my last high score so in a way I was competing against myself so in my game that is something that I really implant inside my own game and it would really be amazing if I could just create a game that would make people trying to be their self each time they play and once they can sit around that what would made me realise that...

Reading Week 4

  After reading through the first article what are the quality of a game?  i realised how much things need to go into creating an amazing game, and after seeing it i can see it is not easy to create a game that easily impress every player that plays the game. the first thing that caught my attention was what every game must try plan their game around is  conflict, goals, decision-making, and an uncertain outcome. Also you need to ask whenever creating a game can you answer these question fully and be satisfied ● Players ● Objectives (goals)  ● Rules ● Resources and Resource Management  ● Game State ● Information  ● Sequencing ● Player Interaction  ● Theme (Narrative, Backstory, Setting) ● Games as Systems  so after looking through all this i realised that it is not easy to create a great game like GTA for example when you look at that game you see how perfectly planned everything in the game is and how they have thought of everything that needs to...
image link   Our mistake was thinking that you build robust self-esteem by telling kids 'you're brilliant, you're so smart, everybody wins, nobody loses, everybody gets a trophy'," i really like this quote it is something that people always try to spin around like it is nothing there people that will always try to tell you the good things about yourself and hide the bad so they don't make them feel any type of way to just make them feel good. Why rejection hurts so much this is something that has been spoken a lot even for people around our own age. "The greatest damage rejection causes is usually self-inflicted. Just when our self-esteem is hurting most, we go and damage it even further".  this also something that i feel is like the first quote another like telling people what they want to hear and rejection is not something anyone would want to hear or feel.

Twitter task

  <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"> the two things are learnt this week 3 was planning and trying execute on how to design your game.<br><br>i  am trying to improve using Unity 3D because i am lacking on that area.</p>&mdash; jeff B00136582 (@b00136582)  <a href="">October 10, 2021</a> </blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"> </script>

Reading, Week 3

Image After looking through  the first after reading their are many things you need to understand when trying to design a game, you need to have a End game and a start. To design a game there many elements that you need to understand the game must have a plot that suits that game that the person is trying to design.  "One of the most important factors for the creation of game ideas is the   kinds   of   reactions   those   ideas   produce   in   the   designers " this is one thing after quickly glancing through the second reading. i feel like their are many idea a designer can generate but the one that should things be stuck with is the one that create more ideas inside more ideas and continued to generate more things to make the game amazing. the best way i think to come up with ideas is by coming up with many things a...

Time Strategies

  After reading through some the articles i was more interested in  Realistic Study Plans  by Amanda Collins the part that grab my attention is when she wrote about   Evaluate your own time this something i have always lacked with my time management. i always went through the day doing just one thing that takes up my time so i  learned to spread it out and write everything i do during my day. I think will help me to be more productive with all my work.


      image link: this is my first time using blogger but It is really easy to use because in my first semester of year 1 i used something that was sort similar to use which was called WIX. so after using that it was not too difficult for me to learn how to use blogger, after using it i have come to like it because of how easy it to use and the layout of it is amazing. Besides that another thing i am looking learning about is  Unity 3D because it is not something that i have learned before and I am looking to knowing more about this.


  There many assignment in which are going to be very interesting to do and see how it going to turn out but i am mostly looking forward to learn how to use  Unity3D  , after listening how much you can do much with it i am very much looking forward to using it. It is something that i have been looking forward to using and understanding how to use it . But besides that there is not anything else i can say is that i will be looking forward to beside  Unity3D   because everything that seems to be given to use right now are things that we have done already and it is not something new that I am excited to do.